Promotes blood circulation:
Sitting in the same position for a long period can lead to blockages in the blood flow, puts stress on the veins in the leg, increases the risk of thrombosis, and affects insulin levels. Movement ensures that blood can flow freely.
Prevents heart problems:
Depending on the level of exertion, a healthy heart pumps
between 5 and 30 litres of blood per minute. Regularly switching between phases
of rest and exertion trains the heart muscle.
Counteracts muscular fatigue:
Muscles develop in response to the stress put on them. Movement helps to keep muscles toned. This affects not only the back, but also the legs, shoulders and arms.
Prevents fatigue:
An alert brain requires active circulation. This is the only way to supply the brain with sufficient oxygen, sugar and other nutrients.
Strengthens the spinal muscles:
Back problems are one of the most common physical complaints that only a strong spinal musculature can remedy.
Prevents metabolism disorders:
Your metabolism is running at its lowest level when you are seated. Movement improves blood lipid values and increases the amount of
calories burned.