Interstuhl - DGNB Award
CSR    02/01/2012     19078

DGNB awards certificate to Interstuhl Arena for ecological performance.

The environment and ecological activities have always had a special significance for Interstuhl, the Swabian manufacturer of seating furniture. The company has just received a major award for its communications centre, the Interstuhl Arena. The German Sustainable Building Council (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB)) has awarded the building the DGNP Silver certificate. The award was presented by Vice-President Professor Dr. Dr. Werner Sobek.

The DGNB certification system was created by the DGNB in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung (BMVBS)). It is concerned with the planning and assessment of sustainable buildings. 60 criteria are assessed in subjects such as ecology, economics, socio-cultural and functional aspects, technology, processes and location.

"Sustainability has always been an integral part of our company philosophy. It is fundamental to the way we do business, and this includes the way we built the Arena," summarises Company Director Joachim Link. "Our aim is to give long-term value to every product we develop. We applied the same standards to the planning of the Arena as we apply to all products, in terms of compliance with limit values, reduction of energy use and use of recyclable materials," continues Link. The result is a building that fulfils the demanding holistic criteria of the DGNB.



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