Minister of the Environment Tanja Gönner presented this year's "Environmental Award for Businesses" on December 1, 2010 at an award ceremony held in Stuttgart's Neues Schloss building. Four companies from the categories "Industry", "Commerce", "Service" and "Trades" received the Environmental Award. The special award for "Entrepreneurial Responsibility ? Regional Commitment" went to Interstuhl. The panel of judges was impressed by the outstanding nature of the Interstuhl's integral commitment to the region and its implementation of environmental protection in every division of the company.
According to the panel of judges, Interstuhl provided an outstanding example of how entrepreneurial responsibility and regional commitment can be implemented on the ground through a variety of approaches involving different groups in the local community, successfully addressing the issue of sustainability on every level (ecological, economic and social). The panel of judges considered the diversity of Interstuhl?s regional commitment to be highly commendable.

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