PUREis3, Design, Interstuhl, Review, Dubai
Products    23.05.2019     41619

Love That Design is a platform, which showcases regional interior and industrial design projects across multiple industries in the Middle East and Africa.

They publish articles about design projects with pictures, videos and relevant information such as designer, suppliers, products etc. In addition Love that Design offers manufacturers like Interstuhl the opportunity to create a profile and to organize joint events, which then get an article in the newsletter and on the platform, too.

In April, Love That Design and Interstuhl organized a so-called "Design Review", which was focused on our new product PUREIS3. Two designers, Tia Lindqvist from GAJ and Tania König from Cambridge Design, were invited to the Interstuhl showroom in Dubai to test and evaluate the PUREIS3. Over coffee and muffins, Oliver Nathmann first talked about the long development process of the PUREIS3. In the subsequent product test the two women could no longer get out of their raptures.

The article about the review and the video can be found on the platform Love that Design (www.lovethatdesign.com) ...have a look!



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