The Avengers 2: Action, Stars and Silver
Produkter    01.12.2014     12166

The Avengers 2: Action, Stars and Silver

The Disney blockbuster "Marvel's The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron" packed full of fast-paced action, Hollywood stars, and SILVER from Interstuhl.

e new action blockbuster "Marvel's The Avengers 2: Age of Ul-tron" is due to hit the screens of American cinemas in April 2015. No expense has been spared by the Disney Company in this science fiction spectacular. All the superheroes of American cinema come together in Avengers 2: the movie brings together the entire Hollywood who's who list, with stars like Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson and Samuel L. Jackson. And Director Joss Whedon has likewise insisted on the best when it comes to the choice of suitable chair, and chosen Interstuhl's Silver.



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