Completely safe
CSR    22.07.2014     20953

Completely safe: Interstuhl and Bimos receive the TÜV Rheinland Premium Award for Certified Occupational Health and Safety Management.

Interstuhl and Bimos always count on safety without compromises. And this goes not only for their seating solutions but also for the production of the same where strict occupational health and safety regulations are applied. This occupational health and safety management was being developed over many years and has now received the Premium Award from TÜV Rheinland.

The certification system OHSAS 18001:2007 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) is the world's most renowned occupational health and safety management system. It is accepted in more than 80 countries. With this award, Interstuhl shows how significant the role is that health and occupational safety play in the company. Hereby, Interstuhl clearly professes the brand value of efficiency. For what is more important than protecting the "human resource"? This can be seen in the ergonomic concepts and safety devices of our products. But we also live this philosophy in-house at Interstuhl.

Occupational health and safety plays not only an important role when the protection of employees is concerned but also when it comes to avoiding sick leaves and thereby securing production and delivery. Therefore, an excellent health and safety management is also a service for customers. The basis of the occupational health and safety management OHSAS is a comprehensive management specification sheet where potential hazards are identified, analysed and valued. Based on this, targets and programmes are phrased, responsibilities are defined and colleagues are trained.

Of course, this certification does not mean at all that Interstuhl contents itself with this high status but will currently adjust the in-house health and safety management.



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